Derrick Tuskan
Derrick Tuskan Photography | San Diego, California, USA
dt[at]derricktuskan.com | +1 (858) 232-0804
Q&A with Derrick
How did you get into taking pictures for a living?
It started with taking surfing photos for fun and quickly grew from a hobby into a passion and career.
Tell me about your 360º photography studio setup! For starters, what kind of camera do you shoot with?
I am a Canon shooter with an assortment of macro lenses and a great light tent to give clean and smooth reflections on shiny objects and even light on all other objects.
What type of products are you particularly good at creating 360º views of? Do you have a specialty?
I’m great at shooting accessories like hats, sunglasses and shoes; I also enjoy shooting novelty items.
Describe your ideal client for shooting a 360º view.
I love working with small to medium sized companies with great product and a desire to show off their product with high quality photography.
For 360º photography, do you prefer shooting in high volume or low volume?
I like to be somewhere in the middle, although my assistant and I are fast and can handle a high volume work flow. We are sticklers for image consistency and providing our clients with a uniform product from shoot to shoot. So we take the extra time to make sure the lighting and everything perfectly matches the photo shoot from a few months ago.
What kind of things do you do for fun? You know, outside of work?
When I’m not shooting an assignment I enjoy surfing, my road bike, paddle boarding, location scouting and shooting personal photo projects.
Who are some clients you’ve done work with in the past?
West Coast Paddle Sports, Mission Surf, BAST Board Protection, Timberland, The North Face, Akedimiks Clothing, and LRG.
How does your pricing work for 360º product photography?
I always shoot on a per product basis and don’t mind shooting a single product as a free demo. By doing this I can figure out exactly how long it will take me to shoot your items.
My rate starts at $50/item and can be as much as $100/item.
What’s a memorable project you’ve worked on in the past?
One fun assignment that comes to mind was shooting water shots of surfers at sunset and into the night. There is something slightly scary but exhilarating swimming in the dark in ten foot surf getting tossed around while trying to get that perfect shot.
What’s the best way for someone to get in touch with you?
Just shoot me an email! As long as I’m not shooting an assignment or in the water I’ll get right back to you.
Contact Derrick
dt[at]derricktuskan.com | +1 (858) 232-0804